
Learning is finding out what you already know. Doing is demonstrating that you know it. Teaching is reminding others that they know just as well as you. You are all learners, doers, teachers.”
― Richard Bach, Illusions

You have to make it happen. The key is in your hand. Neither I nor anyone else can open the door for you. Your road to success begins with you committing to being a lifelong learner.
STUDY…. Books, Seminars, Teachers…. The road goes on forever and the learning never ends!!
For the purpose of PURECOACH Business, our focus of study is….


Growing your vision starts with the emphasis on PEOPLE and PROCESS, that’s the heart of any thriving business. It’s like building a well-oiled machine – you need both the right people who are aligned with your vision and values, and effective processes that keep everything running smoothly. People bring creativity, dedication, and innovation, while processes ensure consistency and efficiency.

CLEAR CONSISTENT COMMUNICATION is an absolute cornerstone. I can’t stress enough how important this is. It’s like the glue that holds everything together. When your team is well-informed about brand STRATEGIES SYSTEMS STANDARDS (KPIs), everyone’s moving in the same direction. It avoids confusion, promotes teamwork, and enables everyone to make informed decisions that contribute to the business’s growth,… Ultimately, if you want a thriving business that offers opportunities to your team,… and a great experience to your clients,… not to mention a Return on your hard work and risk,…you need PROFIT!

The “STUDY, PLAN, ACT” approach is like a roadmap to success. It’s like preparing for a journey – you study the map (research and analyze the market), you plan the route (plan out your business strategies), and then you Just DO It. This methodical approach ensures that every move you make is informed and purposeful.

And you’ve hit the nail on the head with the proactive mindset. In today’s ever-changing business landscape, being proactive is like staying ahead of the curve. Instead of just reacting to challenges, you’re ready to tackle them head-on. This mindset keeps your business adaptable and ready to navigate whatever twists and turns come its way.

So, to sum it up, your PURECOACH principles are all about building a resilient and successful business by valuing people, perfecting processes, communicating effectively, and strategically approaching every step of the journey. It’s an exciting and comprehensive approach that sets you up for growth and achievement. Here’s the Plan!

In STUDY, we are delving into Execution, Purpose, People, Profit and Kaizen.
In PLAN, we will look at methods to organize and jam on ideas. Both solo and as a team.
In ACT, we Refine our vision, and plan our task. 8 months, 8 Focuses, 64 SubFocuses, 500 task.
Desmond Tutu once wisely said that “there is only one way to eat an elephant: a bite at a time.”
What he meant by this is that everything in life that seems daunting, overwhelming, and even impossible can be accomplished gradually by taking on just a little at a time.

These are the PURECOACH principles, we’re laying the groundwork for long-term success and building a business that can stand strong no matter what challenges come our way. It’s all about being proactive and making sure we’re at the top of our game in this ever-changing business world.
In the words of NIKE… Just Do It. That alone will set you apart.