
“Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary.” – Jim Rohn

Welcome to my PureCoach Blog, BookTok! I’m really excited to share with you some insights from the books that have had a big impact on my life and thinking. Whenever I summarize a book, I’ll always start with “Why” it’s significant to me. If you’re not interested in my reasons, feel free to jump straight to the summary. But if you’re intrigued by my summary, I encourage you to read the whole book!

Let me share my first story with you. I grew up in a tough neighborhood, the Herman Garden Projects in Detroit. During those challenging times, my bedroom and books became my sanctuary. At the age of 12, my friend Chuck and I started a business doing odd jobs like cutting grass and cleaning garages. One day, we got hired to clean out an attic, and we were told to throw everything away unless we wanted to keep something. That day turned out to be life-changing for me as I scored an Old Antique Roll Top and a Book Collection. This collection included books like “Man’s Search for Meaning,” “Siddhartha,” “Think and Grow Rich,” and “How To Win Friends and Influence People” – books that deeply influenced and changed my life.

“The reading of all good books is like conversation with the finest (people) of the past centuries.” – Descartes

From that point on, I delved into the world of books and the ideas of great thinkers. Over the past four decades, I’ve read 1000’s of Books, opened over half a dozen multi-million dollar businesses, coached 1000’s of people and businesses. It’s been quite a journey!

I would love to think the PureCoach program is 100% due to my brilliance, but all the credit goes to the teachers, authors, mentors…. I’ve had the opportunity to learn from. BokToK is a collection of what i consider great books of the pevious 100 years… beyond the best sellers of today,.. which more often than not, rehash.

When I read a book, I summarize the ideas that i love. I recomment, if a book seems interesting,… buy and read the book! Your key life experience is yours. Your deepest insights will belong to you. However, I hope you enjoy my thoghts on these books. All the books are linked directly to Amazon.

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies . . . The man who never reads lives only one.”
– George R.R. Martin